What’s On?
A few events that are happening in the village.
Woodville Lions, Coast to coast motorcycle ride
This year it is held on Saturday 14th December, it is a neat event to raise funds for the Palmerston North Rescue Helicopter.
Firefighters Football
Saturday 28th December 2024, at the reserve by the local playground. Registration will be from 9am, gold coin donation per player.
Christmas Parade
Our Christmas Parade is held on the same day as the Woodville Lions coast to coast ride. Makes for a neat parade, when there are a hundred or so motorcycles following our local floats.
More FM's Big Dig
This happens on Wellington Anniversary weekend, and is great fun for the family.
Firefighters Football
The Hīmatangi Beach Firefighters Football is a great community event held at Hīmatangi Beach. This year it’s on the 28th December 2024. The event is organised and run by the members of the Hīmatangi Beach Volunteer Fire Brigade as their main fundraising event for the year.
Firefighters football was started in the early 1990’s by Retired Chief Fire Officer Merv Smith. It was introduced to the brigade on a training night, they had so much fun and were eagerly spotted by the campers next door, who wanted to join in.
This resulted in an annual challenge from the campsite to the fire brigade in the local park. This very quickly grew to include locals as well. After the camp changed hands a few times the challenge was forgotten for a few years. However the campers could not forget such fun and soon challenged the brigade to bring it back.
How could the brigade refuse, it provided so much fun and entertainment for spectators as well as players the brigade decided to reintroduce the annual summer event. It has continued to grow each year and is still providing fun and entertainment to the campers and village people.
There is now a trophy for the winning team which is normally won by a team from the camp as they tend to enter the most teams. Its a great fun day out for all ages.

The Big Dig
Digging starts at 1pm on Saturday 18th January
Tickets on sale from 11:30am.
Hundreds of prizes up for grabs including major prizes $3 per digger.
Funds raised go to the Palmerston North Surf Life Saving Club. Sausage sizzle on the day also raising funds for the Palmerston North Surf Life Saving Club.
Presented by: More FM Manawatu and Mitre 10 Mega Palmerston North